Liberty Trip Advisor (LTRPA, LTRPB)

Why should you buy Blue Apron Holdings ($APRN)?

Blue Apron Holdings (NYSE: APRN) went up by 71.47% from its latest closing price when compared to the 1-year high value of $17.25 and move down -57%, while APRN stocks collected +174.55% of gains with the last five trading sessions.

Blue Apron Holdings (NYSE: APRN) Worth an Investment?

Blue Apron Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:APRN) of the analysts out of 2 who provided ratings for Blue Apron Holdings, Inc. stocks as a “buy” while as overweight, rated it as hold and no sell. The average price we get from analysts is $9.55 which is $3 above current price. APRN currently has a short float of 38.60% and public float of 8.03M with average trading volume of 828.12K shares.

APRN Market Performance

APRN stocks went up by 163.05% for the week, with the monthly rise of
and a quarterly performance of -9.41%, while its annual performance rate touched -57.61%. The simple moving average for the period of the last 20 days is 130.96% for APRN stocks with the simple moving average of -5.38% for the last 200 days.

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