Amazon (AMZN) AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS)

AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS) Rises on leaked news of Amazon (AMZN) partnership

AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS) rises on rumor of leaked news of Amazon (AMZN) or a major eCommerce company. Although there is no evidence found only a screenshot, we dig deeper.

July 10, 2020 Update: Here’s more compelling evidence of a possible partnership from Money Midnight, our partner publication.

According to some posts on Reddit, this major ecommerce company has been in talks and has been a client of AgEagle Aerial Systems since 2014 as shown in the post below.

AgEagle Aerial Systems will indeed begin to manufacture delivery drones for the ecommerce giant most likely Amazon.

There was also a corporate video rumored to be leaked on the Morgan Chilcott website which have since gone private.

  1. The video starts with the logo of both companies AGEagle and Amazon side by side, implying collaboration.
  2. The website it was found on was morganchillcott.com. She seems to make instructional video for companies as a hustle.
  3. The video was marked as unlisted meaning the only people who could view it at the time, were the people who were sent the link.
  4. Since the leaking, the video was not taken down. It’s just the privacy setting on the video was fixed to where no one could see the video. As a matter of fact you can’t even go to MorganChillcott.com as the website has currently been made private. The seems to have just been a mistake made on the video creators side of things.
  5. The most important of all. Morgan Chilcott is the daughter of the founder of the company Bret Chilcott. You can see him in a family vacation video she has on her YouTube page. If you check her Facebook you can see she is from Neodesha, Kansas where the company was founded and is headquartered. It all checks out. Seems like her father wanted to give her another gig for her video making business.

The company also had a meeting today and here’s what it disclosed:

  • Continues business as normal in COVID-19, no employee lay offs or furloughs
  • Continues strong progress in the drone delivery market.
  • COVID-19 pandemic is leads to stronger demand for commercial drone delivery.
  • Australian University is developing pandemic drones.
  • UAVs intended to spray crops are being modified to spray disinfectant over large infection zones.
  • The company is ramping up production of complex electrical components and testing equipment.
  • Software platform is seeing strong progress in Florida in the hemp farming space.
  • UAVS has already seen positive comments although the platform was just launched.
  • Other states are expected to follow in this hemp grower software platform.
  • The company is in active discussions to identify specific needs of various states. However, this contact has taken a back seat to COVID-19.
  • The company believes that Hemp Overview can become a cornerstone in hemp compliance.
  • UAVS is scaling back other opportunities to pay more attention to hemp farming and commercial drone delivery opportunities.
  • CEO will resign on May 5th.
  • New CEO is expected to be announced in the next few days.
  • Absolutely no mention of the drone partnership with Amazon rumor.

Now one could say this was just a move to pump their stocks. However, the video was uploaded in mid-February. Unless they were planning this all along for the past two months. Which seems a little far fetched. I imagine the daughter getting into trouble with the SEC for misleading investors or insider trading. Especially since she is the daughter of the founder of the company.

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