Aytu BioScience (AYTU)

Aytu BioScience (AYTU) Fast Track FDA Approval for Coronavirus

On Friday President Trump just declared a national emergency for coronavirus (covid-19) freeing up $50 billion in federal resources. Aytu BioScience could see FDA approval this week.

With this global pandemic spreading more and more there must be a test that could gain accurate results within 2-10 minutes.

According to the speech, officials say that they are looking for more testing to be done. This is a great opportunity for Aytu Bioscience to jump on. There’s just not enough tests for everyone and testing could cost thousands of dollars for the average individual.

Aytu Bioscience’s test is very simple and could be done AT HOME, this opens up opportunity for this testing device to be in Walmart, Walgreens and other pharmaceutical stores. Aytu’s test is much faster than Roche’s test, getting results in 4 hours is too long for a pandemic like this.

This week Aytu BioScience has acquired a exclusive deal for distribution of these quick 2 minute test kits with their partner working in China.

Here’s a quick demonstrative video on how these kits work:

Aytu BioScience FDA Approval

With Trump declaring a national emergency and with test kits running low, we expect the FDA to approve the company in the coming weeks, it would be highly beneficial if they would allow Aytu to distribute these fast kits into the hands the people.

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